Equipping church leaders to translate Scripture, so that churches are established and strengthened
Advocating and Educating
We advocate for churches who need God’s Word and educate others to help. Too many churches don’t have God’s Word; and too many churches who could help others get God’s Word are unaware and uninvolved in Bible translation. The translated Word is essential for the life and ministry of local churches.
Mentoring and Training
We mentor godly servants to pursue a vocation in Bible translation, and then help train them. We mentor translators, exegetes, consultants, theologians, pastors, and especially pastor-translators, so that God’s Word is translated and used in the life and ministry of local congregations.
Checking Translations
We help translation teams check their translations against the original biblical languages.
90% of the world’s languages don’t have a Bible translation.
There is much work to be done so that churches have Scripture in their own language.
The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

There is much work to be done.
If we believe God’s Word is inspired and inerrant, profitable and sufficient for Christians, why are there still so many languages without the Bible?
A 2015 survey revealed that 72% of Americans think the Bible is available in all the world’s languages. As of September 2023, only 736 languages (out of the world’s 7,394) have a full Bible translation.
How will people know, love, worship, and obey God if they don’t have His Word in the language they understand best?
How will churches be established without a Bible translation in their language?