Where Do I Get Bible Translation Training?
Schools where you can get trained in the Bible Translation Triad
Schools with programs in Bible Translation and/or Linguistics
Note: BTF is not endorsing the below schools. We encourage you to get the syllabi for every course in your program of interest and speak with your pastors and trusted advisors in order to vet programs and professors.
See our FAQ on the “Bible Translation Triad” to think more about the education and skills that are needed on Bible translation teams.
Jerusalem Center for Bible Translators [Jerusalem, Israel]
Institute of Biblical Languages and Translation has graduate degrees for translators and Translation Consultants [Jerusalem, Israel] (Biblical and Modern Hebrew, Translation Consulting).
The Tyndale Center for Bible Translation at The Master’s Seminary [California, USA] (Theology, Exegesis, Linguistics). Note: as of 2021, we’re not sure the courses in Translation and Linguistics are still being offered
University of the Free State has graduate and post-graduate degrees in Hebrew and Bible translation [South Africa] (Linguistics, Bible Translation, Hebrew).
Stellenbosch University previously offered graduate and post-graduate degrees in Hebrew and linguistics with Christo van der Merwe and Ernst Wendland. We’re not sure about the future of this program since both of these men are retiring after 2021 [Cape Town, South Africa] (Linguistics, Hebrew).
Canada Institute of Linguistics offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Linguistics and Bible translation [Canada]
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary offers a DMin in Bible Translation [Massachusetts, USA].
Gordon College offers a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics with a Bible Translation minor [Massachusetts, USA].
Dallas International University has degrees in Applied Linguistics and Translation Advising [Texas, USA]
Carolina College of Biblical Studies offers a Diploma and a Master of Arts in Bible Translation in cooperation with Wycliffe Associates [North Carolina, USA].
Cedarville University offers a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics [Ohio, USA]
Calvin University offers a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics [Michigan, USA]
SIL has a number of partner schools with linguistic training and translation degrees of various types.
“Where do I go to school to be a Bible translator?”
Schools with programs in Exegesis and Theology
Note: BTF is not endorsing the below schools. We encourage you to get the syllabi for every course in your program of interest and speak with your pastors and trusted advisors in order to vet programs and professors.
See our FAQ on the “Bible Translation Triad” to think more about the education and skills that are needed on Bible translation teams.
Westminster Theological Seminary [Pennsylvania, USA]. Confessionally Reformed theological education (Theology, Exegesis). Linguistics programs available in the greater Philadelphia area schools.
Westminster Seminary California [California, USA]. Confessionally Reformed theological education (Theology, Exegesis). Linguistics available at UC San Diego.
Reformed Theological Seminary [various locations in USA]. Confessionally Reformed theological education (Theology, Exegesis). See especially RTS-Charlotte with Michael Kruger, Kevin DeYoung and William Ross, RTS-DC with Scott Redd, and RTS-Jackson with J.V. Fesko, Benjamin Gladd and Miles Van Pelt.
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary [Michigan, USA]. Confessionally Reformed theological education (Theology, Exegesis). They have also been known to offer some courses that overlap with linguistics and exegesis from visiting professor Reinier de Blois.
Boyce College has undergraduate degrees in biblical studies and languages [Kentucky, USA] (Theology, Exegesis). For Linguistics, there are schools in Louisville and Lexington.
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has a shared MDiv degree in Missions and Bible Translation, which requires relocation to Dallas for linguistics at Dallas International University. SBTS also has a Bible Translators in Training student group [Kentucky, USA] (Theology, Exegesis). Linguistics can also be studied at schools in Louisville and Lexington.
The Master’s College and The Tyndale Center for Bible Translation at the Master’s Seminary [California, USA] (Theology, Exegesis). Linguistics can be studied at University of California and California State schools (e.g. UCLA, CSUN).
The College at Southeastern and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has several degree options to study biblical languages, exegesis, and theology, from BA through to PhD [North Carolina, USA] (Theology, Exegesis). Linguistics programs are available in the greater Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill area schools. In 2023 SEBTS launched the Caskey Center for Biblical Text and Translation, which provides (funded) PhD students the opportunity to work as Research Associates in textual criticism and Bible translation.
African Christian University is a school that we recommend in Zambia, where Conrad Mbewe serves.
Bethlehem College & Seminary [Minnesota, USA] (Theology, Exegesis)
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School [Illinois, USA] (Theology, Exegesis)
Wheaton College [Illinois, USA] (Theology, Exegesis)
Jerusalem Seminary [Jerusalem, Israel] (Biblical Hebrew)
Union School of Theology offers residential and online programs for a BA, MTh, or PhD (Theology, Exegesis)
BibleMesh offers online programs in the biblical languages, biblical studies, exegesis, and theology. They also have partnerships several institutions so you can get credit towards a degree (Theology, Exegesis, Greek, Hebrew) [online]
“What education do I need to be a Bible translator?”