2015 Bible Translation Statistics - A Cause for Praise, and Prayer!
2015 BT Needs Map
Praise God for more than 20 languages receiving a full Bible in 2015!
As of October 2015, the numbers of full Bible translations went from the previous number of 531 to 554. As for NT's, it increased to 1,333 from 1,329 and portions went from 1,023 to 1,045. The current estimates include that there are still over 7,000 active languages spoken in the world and 554 have a full Bible.
We've got a lot of work to do. The picture at the right shows languages with NO active Bible translation in progress.Here's a great PDF to print and put up at church or include the stats in your weekly prayers. Let's co-labor Together 4 the Bible. How about inviting someone from BTF to speak at your church or school? We're also available to advise your elders or missions' committee on ways to invest in Bible translation.
We'd love to serve you as we co-labor in the progress and glory of the Word (2 Thess 3:1). Email us at fellowship[at]bibletranslationfellowship[dot]org.